We went food shopping and right at the end I saw the Mallomars and I was all like, “Mallomars!” and then made puppy-dog eyes at John until he allowed me to buy them, because he regulates my caloric intake.* Then I got all excited and wanted to take my daily photo with the Mallomars so I put them all on a plate and John technically took this but I am still calling it a self-portrait.
I ate 4.
*No he doesn’t!
Ari! After looking at this photo yesterday, the mallomars must have looked so tasty to me that they entered my subconscious because last night I had a dream about mallomars. I think I saw them at a Duane Reade and wanted to buy them but couldn’t because I was on my way somewhere. Hmm, even as I type this I realize that maybe this wasn’t a dream but might have actually happened last night. At any rate, cool picture, Ari and John. Cool picture.